Refund Policy

Due to hire charges, preparation and overheads, payment is non-refundable.

Terms & Conditions

Photographs and videos may be taken during the session by the session leader for marketing and advertising purposes, if you would not like your child to be included in this you can decline permission on the consent form when booking or speak to the session leader. You yourself may take photos at the end of the session of just your child but the photo must not include others in the class without their consent.

The safety of the children is paramount. Your child(ren) remain your responsibility during the play session and must be supervised throughout, If for whatever reason you need to leave the room your child should be taken with you.

Your child(ren) should be supervised during messy play activities and on the climbing equipment. We ask that childrens shoes and socks are removed whilst using the climbing equipment and soft play and put back on when they move on to messy activities.

We appreciate your help in trying to avoid unnecessary / intentional pouring of materials outside of the trays and sensory area. We monitor for any spillages and will clear them as we are aware but ask that you too are vigilant and that there is no running and hands are cleaned before using other resources so that there is no damage to the equipment and everyone is kept safe.

The materials used are from well-known and trusted suppliers and retailers and are non-toxic. We are not responsible or liable for any lost property or stained clothing. Aprons are provided.

There may be refreshments provided and sensory activities may include ingredients so please make sure your session leader is aware of any food allergies or intolerances.

Please do not attend the session if you or your child has a contagious illness.

Bears sensory seekers reserves the right to cancel a session without refund in circumstances beyond our control (i.e. adverse weather conditions, closure of venue, staff illness). We will however book you on to another session free of charge. If you have any further queries, please email us at